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Deadmau5 — 4ware
Album: W:/2016ALBUM/
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Total ratings: 4446

Released: 2016
Length: 8:28
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Comments (292)add comment
For a dude who can't really play any instruments, Joel makes some pretty good music.
Solid 25. Or more.
This set is so awesome, had to check to make sure it wasn't set to the My Favorites channel!!!
 snowboarder440 wrote:

Agree. A solid 7.   Love it when RP dips its toes into electronica and the 21st century.  Lets keep on broadening our musical horizons.

A solid 7? This is one of the best pieces of electronica out there. A solid 9 bordering on 10!
 Oxen1morale wrote:

yes, to me this sounds a lot like Jean-Michel Jarre.  And that is a compliment 

Silliest techno I ever heard, Jarre is a galaxy above this dude.
I'm definitely hearing a lot of pumping with the gain knob... it's kind of distracting to me when artists do this.
i love his mask.
yes, to me this sounds a lot like Jean-Michel Jarre.  And that is a compliment 
 Alastair wrote:

If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 

You forgot Trevor Rabin and Tangerine Dream.
Hmmm, sounds pretty dated. Average techno, not sure I like hearing someone slapping their thigh 
Oxygene reborn. Not a bad thing really.
Zea mays

What other station follows Coltrane with DeadMau5?! Love it.
Is Bill secretly Canadian, or is the wealth of Canadian music on here just coincidental? 2 Canadian artists in a row!
It's like a massage for your brain.......the louder you play it the deeper the massage
Just heard this while coding a new project. Got into the deepest of flows. Awesome tune!
hey where did the gif of the two dancing women with the  stoned expressions go?
the only "1" I've ever heard on RP
 PaoloManana wrote:

Nice but leave the computerbeat out

Considering the content of this song, you're probably better off just hitting the Skip button.
I have a wonderful appreciation for his use of synths… its well done
leave the computer beat out?? THE ENTIRE THING IS A COMPUTER BEAT??
Nice but leave the computerbeat out
“tedious - posted by zenhead” does this person not see irony? I mean these jokes write themselves
 KotBayun wrote:

Я з України, зараз в нас 22.45, 18.05.2022. По додатку з смартфону передали " Відбій повітряної тривоги". Ця композиція у поєднанні з повідомленням, є щось таке казково -  гапличне, що капець. Перепрошую  за незрозумілість донесення відчуття...

I am from Ukraine, now we have 22.45, 18.05.2022. On the application from the smartphone, "Repulse of the air alarm" was transmitted. This composition combined with the message, there is something so fabulous - hooky, like a slipper. I apologize for the incomprehensibility of conveying the feeling...

Я з України, зараз в нас 22.45, 18.05.2022. По додатку з смартфону передали " Відбій повітряної тривоги". Ця композиція у поєднанні з повідомленням, є щось таке казково -  гапличне, що капець. Перепрошую  за незрозумілість донесення відчуття...
 sqqqrly wrote:

Wish there was a graph of the avg rating over the lifetime of a song played on RP.  How many songs start out as 5s and move up to 7s?  Do listeners grow tired and begin lowering their ratings?  

I bet BillG uses these metrics.  

As a business data analyst, I would LOVE to see this extended data you mention, along with being able to compare via demographics and a billion other things.  LLRP!!
 bam23 wrote:

I imagine that there must be accomplished but unrecognized musicians who hear that this piece of stuff gets recorded and played, while their work is ignored. I don't know much about how electronic/computer-generated music is composed and produced, but I do not see the merits in this piece. Those extolling the similarity to earlier bands such as Kraftwerk should explain how this piece matters, since I suspect that numerous folks sitting in their homes could generate something like this, and do, all the time.

You could say exactly the same about any other music genre. Music like any other art is one part talent, one part luck.  Now, I am pretty sure a lot of  accomplished musicians love electronic music, and they surely love deadmau5.  I really don't get why people think electronic music is easy to make. 
Growing every time. Not much grades left.
 ScottishWillie wrote:

I’m a big fan of your posts fredriley but I think your 100% wrong on this one. I was lucky enough to be able to do Route 66 on a Harley last year and this song came on my Bluetooth noise cancelling earphones on a 2 lane road in New Mexico.  It was the perfect song for that time and place. Good music is good music wherever and whenever it you hear it!

I wish Harley riders would cancel their noise for other people too and not only for themselves. (Some goes for 'sports' car drivers)
Alright Bill, I'm sure deadmau5 and other electronic artist have some more songs, tracks and music, right?
This track has been on rotation for years. It almost like "And now for something completely different" vibe, rather than really exploring something new and different.
Much more depth than just beeps boops and wubs. Check out HR 8939 Cephei for similar vibes 🤓
 ProjectGemini07 wrote:

Sade, Elton John, Beth Hart, John Coltrane, and now this.  Microcosm of RP greatness.

:) same playlist now it seems, but it is very good! great tunes all of them, especially Coltrane and this
I really have to be in the mood for this song. Sometimes I can really get into it, but at other times it's the musical equivalent of nails scratching on a blackboard...
 Alastair wrote:

If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 

Please don't forget to mention Klaus Schulze in this list of Electronic artists!
 bam23 wrote:

I imagine that there must be accomplished but unrecognized musicians who hear that this piece of stuff gets recorded and played, while their work is ignored. I don't know much about how electronic/computer-generated music is composed and produced, but I do not see the merits in this piece. Those extolling the similarity to earlier bands such as Kraftwerk should explain how this piece matters, since I suspect that numerous folks sitting in their homes could generate something like this, and do, all the time.

Great comment ! it shows the complexity of human being...
Sade, Elton John, Beth Hart, John Coltrane, and now this.  Microcosm of RP greatness.
I imagine that there must be accomplished but unrecognized musicians who hear that this piece of stuff gets recorded and played, while their work is ignored. I don't know much about how electronic/computer-generated music is composed and produced, but I do not see the merits in this piece. Those extolling the similarity to earlier bands such as Kraftwerk should explain how this piece matters, since I suspect that numerous folks sitting in their homes could generate something like this, and do, all the time.
 Laptopdog wrote:

Eight minutes and twenty seconds of two bouncy notes. Just what I was hoping to hear this morning!

I was busy getting ready to go somewhere when I heard this bouncy tune playing on RP and thought I'd see who it was. I was surprised to see that I had previously rated this a 2 and even went as far as posting the above snarky comment. 
Funny how music strikes you differently depending on your mood or current attitude, or a dozen other reasons. Today I'm really enjoying this bouncy little "two-note" tune. I've also bounced my rating up to a 7. 
Long live Radio Paradise!
Disco was so much better for dancing, or other stuff, to.
 zinzarin wrote:

You said a thing here that's not technically accurate.

THAT'S funny!
 fredriley wrote:

Sadly, I'm beyond clubbing age... :(

You said a thing here that's not technically accurate.
 steviedeant wrote:

I think I'm too old for this.

I'm 42 and love this tune
I think I'm too old for this.
Took me about 5 minutes to hit PSD this time...
This track demonstrates why a lot of people do not like electronic music. Very boring!
Coltrane to Deadmau5, somehow that worked
this is just to long. like from the beginning to the end!
 Alastair wrote:

If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 

I still listen to all of the above.  And Deadmau5!  ...sometimes as often as possible :)
'Barely' a 9    Love it when people combine the tunes from their own musical upbringing. It's the evolution of music.
This entire album, like most of Deadmau5, is simply brilliant
 tm wrote:

as someone that released about 20 electronic tracks last year - this moves me, it's got a lot of movement and interesting changes...

20 tracks? Links?  I would like to give it a listen.
as someone that released about 20 electronic tracks last year - this moves me, it's got a lot of movement and interesting changes...
Music for Robots

.... and I don't mean that as a criticism?
 Alastair wrote:
If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 
So True. the beginning comes off like Jan Hammer's work on Miami Vice
I'm going to say it...


That is all.
 andy.ormsby955 wrote:
Like many people here, I was initially inclined to dislike this, but (and I'm not sure I'd like to admit this in public) I am beginning to quite like it.
Wish there was a graph of the avg rating over the lifetime of a song played on RP.  How many songs start out as 5s and move up to 7s?  Do listeners grow tired and begin lowering their ratings?  

I bet BillG uses these metrics.  
Ok. So. Boring.
This must be the reason for being a DeadMause.
8:19 too long.
In the right place (say a dusty desert), in the right mood (perhaps enhanced somewhat), in the right crowd (weirdly dressed fellow dust revellers) - fantastic!

In my little watch workshop - not bad!
The more I hear this, the more I like it! 7--> 8  today!  
I used to make these same noises on the old ARP machine back in high school. If only I'd known, I could have become an international recording star. We thought it was pretty cool back then, now it's just boring.
this is like michel jarre but more boring
Geez. There is nothing original or interesting about this. Maybe the thought was that this is Phillip Glass-like. But it's not.
128 bpm garbage. Make it stop.
And it finally stopped...
 Zelidar wrote:
This video clip is considerably more out-of-this-world than his songs. Not for the faint-hearted and cannot be unseen.

Look for Monophobia or UG3sfZKtCQI
yep, that was definitely odd
Like it but would love to hear other tracks from them
Supremely boring.
Not so original or inspiring.
This video clip is considerably more out-of-this-world than his songs. Not for the faint-hearted and cannot be unseen.

Look for Monophobia or UG3sfZKtCQI on YouTube.
 Steely_D wrote:
Nothing new about this. A quarter note thumping bass and an echo/arpeggiator. Anyone could do this with two button pushes. I was doing this in the mid 80s, wishing I was Tangerine Dream. Didn't know it could be commercially viable.
go for it


I await your awesome track.

everyone else, have fun playing with that code. it seems pretty cool.
6.7 dude
Sounded good at first, but started to get monotonous.  Not enough to justify 8:20.
Sorry, Joel.  This doesn't rate 8:20
Not really my cup of tea... Most of the time... But this is so nice! Don't want to admit it but it just gives me a good feeling!
Not the best of deadmau5, should have picked his masterpiece : Strobe
Anyway still ranking it 8 because you had balls heavy enough to put it on rotation, something most radios would be too scared to do.
It sounds like Tangerine Dream but not half as good.
 redart wrote:
This track makes me wish I still had my Pioneer A400 amp and  Infinity Reference  speakers  

What happened to them
 Alastair wrote:
If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 
Please don't forget Klaus Schulze  (Irrlicht and Timewind) great Albums!
 mwhip wrote:
Sounds like my phone alarm.
Lucky you.
 Alastair wrote:
If you're my age (58) you grew up with Giorgio Moroder, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.  This is right up my street 

Yeah.  Me 2
This track makes me wish I still had my Pioneer A400 amp and  Infinity Reference  speakers  
I love this, and also the concept of sprinkling in contemporary club music once in a while, but why alway the same track? There must be more music filling that role.
 Rockit9 wrote:
I find dead mouse in the garage all the time.{#Cheesygrin}
 fredriley wrote:

Probably the opposite. Bear in mind that Deadmau5 is a club DJ and his music is played at clubs where the Es and love flow, and young people dance incessantly to repetitive techno, and isn't intended for listening at home or in a car or wherever. I've got a couple of his CDs (like, soooooo noughties, grandad) on the strength of his stuff on RP, and if I'm in the mood they're not bad for playing on long car journeys. Sadly, I'm beyond clubbing age... :(
By the time E and techno-raves came along, I had matured out of that kind of intense partying.  I get it though.  We dropped MDA for hard driving blues acts in the mid-70s.   Nursed a couple of drinks thanks to the constraints of a student budget.  

Great times.  These days I want to be up and running the next day.   4ware is just fine as it is without perception enhancements.

Deadmau5 is amazing.  He is definitely somebody to watch.  I really like what he has done with Michael Kiwanuka's two last albums.  The Niagara Falls boy has depth.  
I can taste the (Burning Man) playa dust right now! And that's a good thing.
oh! for the carefree days when people would gather to dance ecstatically in a dense crowd... 😷
Deadmau5 is one of the GOATs of electronic/ dance/ hau5
BillG. how about some Kraftwerk and Jean Paul Jarre?
I was once at a Kraftwerk concert and there was a silent pause and the stage went dark in the middle of the piece, which seemed appropriate, until it didn't start again and we realized that all their electronics(?) had blown the electrical circuit.
Like Running, Man...
Cardio, Tempo.
Make up your own words.
Talk with god...
 bking wrote:
Generally this isn't my cup of tea, but I'm still listening to expand my horizons.
and good for You!
Boring, repetitive, too long. Solid 3 rate and wish  not to hear it again
boots and cats...https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
Generally this isn't my cup of tea, but I'm still listening to expand my horizons.
I have RP to thank for introducing this to me, I’m 54 this month and this makes me dance around the house like an 18 year old. I have subsequently listened to his whole back catalogue. Not disappointed 
Sounds like my phone alarm.
Perhaps ... a little bit too long ?   
...for about 3-4 minutes this would be a bopping refreshment - but 8 minutes  turns this into what its really is - a nagging endless loop , a musical fake...

i dont mind electronica in music as long its used with some creative musical intellegence - but this....
I'm pleased to hear a little electronica and occasional EDM on RP.  Now, how about more Kraftwerk...
 max_p wrote:
like it but need to move on after 4 minutes or so
Agreed.  I feel like it's a song that's going nowhere.  If I wanted that, I'd put on a PC RPG and just let my character(s) stand around so I could hear the soundtrack.  Time to PSD for a tune or two and then I'll come back to the main feed.
 ger-man wrote:

Find ich auch

Ich so gar nicht. Ne sichere 9!
 jamesshoemark wrote:
This used to be a 7, then I started hearing the word ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ****** in the sound of the notes so had to make it a number 1. Don't want to hear that again!

So you insisted on attempting to corrupt the way everyone else hears it to?     Fortunately, you've failed in my case.   Still a 9.
Highly annoying
Pretty sure I am not the first to say, "This is waaaayyyyy to long".  We get it, it is kicky.  But, stop after 3 minutes, ok?  For me it is similar to when I hung out at my friend's house in the 70's whose dad had a cool organ that would play back notes all the time while you would play the song.  It was just "automatic".  Not too hard to hit plug and play Deadmau5 kids.  Just saying....
 harms.th449 wrote:
Abgedroschener Mist   
Find ich auch
Abgedroschener Mist   
This used to be a 7, then I started hearing the word Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook in the sound of the notes so had to make it a number 1. Don't want to hear that again!
 daddiowen wrote:
Zero artistic value.  Pee-yew.

I don't know which genre Deadmaus is supposed to fall into--trance? house?--but his music likely pursues a certain goals. It's oriented towards dance and immersion in a beat. It's not Beethoven or Leonard Cohen or Neko Case but it's fun and good for workouts or studying or working 

Not every artist has to create music that promotes "artistic value." Enjoy the track or PSD. 
 xray38 wrote:
I like this, but I do think it overstays it's welcome.
I don't like it. It is not welcome in my hau5
Zero artistic value.  Pee-yew.
Don’t see the attraction
Wow, such a glowing personality to go with all that talent:


KINDERGARTEN RAVE MUSIC? "Music" is a stretch.
 Moby is a pure genius compared to this stuff, a simple sequencer even a child could program.

Could be worse. Could be Moby.