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Mari Boine — Vuoi Vuoi Mu
Album: Idjagiedas - In The Hand Of The Night
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Total ratings: 2316

Released: 2006
Length: 4:45
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Vuoi mu gollelottas
Vuoi mu beaiveidjalottas
giehka ja goaskin
Vuoi mu spalfu
Vuoi mu spalfu
miellevuol besiinis
Vuoi mu idjaloddi
ravddahis geahcastagainis
Vuoivuoi mu
Vuoivuoi mu

Vuoivuoi daid iluid
Vuoivuoi daid iluid
Vuoi daid morrasiid
Vuoi daid morrasiid
Vuoivuoi daid buollasiid
Vuoivuoi daid buollasiid
vuoi gesiid mearehis bahkaid
Vuoivuoi mu
vuoivuoi mu


Vuoi my little yellowbird
Vuoi my summernight bird
cuckoo and eagle
Vuoi my swallow
Vuoi my swallow
with nest under riverbanks
Vuoi night owl
with limitless vision
Vuoi vuoi me
Vuoi vuoi me

Vuoi vuoi joy
Vuoi vuoi joy
with hearty laughter
Vuoi sorrow
Vuoi sorrow
with oceans of salty tears
Vuoi vuoi frost
Vuoi vuoi frost
winter and cold
Vuoi summer with burning hot days
Vuoi vuoi me
Vuoi vuoi me
Comments (187)add comment
Right from the opening chords, it's obvious that this sing is a rip-off of Gordon Lightfoot's "Sundown"

i wish i could never have to hear it again.
 Lazaerus wrote:

"Very Likable" more please!  I need more variation in my aboriginal collection.

This is not Aborigines Music.
This is from finish natives.
It is absolut interesting to read what is behind  this culture .
Just Look for biographi from Marii Boine, also her Film about Sami and Culture.
Had to move it up to an 8 after a few listening's now, very entrancing
Absolutely love this.
This got played to death on the radio when it first came out!  
Sitting here drumming along.  Thanks RP!
What a beautiful tune.
 Madness1954 wrote:

How would I get to hear music like this wasn't was for Radio Paradise?

Exactly my thoughts!
Thanks RP
Whenever I hear a song being performed in an ancient language, I feel like the singer is reaching inside my consciousness and massaging my soul.  I dispense with the need to understand what the song is about and let it flow over me.  This song did this to me, I felt rooted to the earth while I listened.  Wonderful.
What's up with the endlessly boring repetitive chanting?  A bit more imagination please?
Where'd... you hide all the sheep?
 Madness1954 wrote:

How would I get to hear music like this wasn't was for Radio Paradise?

Same here. RP has really opened my eyes and ears to the wide range of non-anglo music in the world. Bill and Becky especially have a thing for Scandinavian artists.
Cool sound. Thank you Alanna.
Hey RP thanks for going out and curating the stuff for us we would not otherwise be exposed to!
A bit on the monotonous side - same, same, same - but others would say it is a trance inducing chant. Personally not a fan of chants but this does have interesting textures and harmonics.
Definitely not a 6.8.  I love it when this comes up.
6.8?   No way.  Strong 10.
another perfect example of how music transcends borders, cultures and even time . . .
Joik:  an underappreciated Scandinavian genre. It's a little indigenous and a little something else...I can't quite ever put my finger on.
She needs to marry me 'or' I need to marry her!

kul melodi

Not her best song, but nevertheless beautiful  
whats that crazy cat rythm instrument?
 Exhack wrote:

Vile, headache-inducing monotony. 

We are all entitled to our opinions and the freedom to express them. The trouble your opinion is absolutely wrong!!🐨
 weavus wrote:

No translation necessary for that timeless wail that comes from deep in the soul/conciouness of all semites, bothers and sisters all, despite superficial appearances, religious/political manipulation, and other craziness.

I love this song, but also appreciate the translation.  Mari Boines work is much more than a timeless wail.  

How would I get to hear music like this wasn't was for Radio Paradise?
Like a gradual storm with an abrupt end. 9
É a melhor radio do mundo.
Faltam musicas brasileiras.
Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, João Gilberto, Elis Regina, Baden Powel, Luiz Gonzaga, Zé Ramalho, Belchior, Alceu Valença, Renato Teixeira entre outros.
Por favor considerem estes músicos em seu repertório.
Obrigado, Luiz Gonzaga de Andrade
Very different. Very great music .
Perfect for our times today
Well done RP 
Doh.  Saw the artist name and wondered why this didn't sound very Clannad-ish.  Brain fart.  It's Mari Boine, not Moya Brennan.
 jp33442 wrote:

That’s why we love RP grasshopper 

I once overheard Bill saying, "When you can snatch the playlist from my hand...."
This type of track sets RP apart from even the best "adult album alternative station". It may not be a great song but wow, it's interesting!
Interesting. I wasn't paying attention when I started noticing, and liking this. So, when I went to see what was playing, I was surprised to see "Norwegian" -- though, once I saw "Norwegian" I was not surprised to see it followed by "Sami".
 aspicer wrote:
Never heard of her or this song - excellent on first listen!
That’s why we love RP grasshopper 
Calm beautiful
Never heard of her or this song - excellent on first listen!
This is the best part of listening to RP, hearing beautiful noise like this - stuff that I'd never hear any where else. "Kill ugly radio, they won't play this." - F. Zappa
1 2 many YoYo's for me.
A great example of the rich but woefully suppressed Sami culture from my native Scandinavia. Not only is the tune beautiful, but if you spend 5 minutes reading up on the background, it becomes even more meaningful. Only a generation ago, their songs and their language were more or less banned by religious powers. The accompanying Wikipedia article has some references to this.
No translation necessary for that timeless wail that comes from deep in the soul/conciouness of all semites, bothers and sisters all, despite superficial appearances, religious/political manipulation, and other craziness.
 fredriley wrote:

What, from Sami? That would be a surprise, though even if it did the results would be...idiosyncratic. Machine translation's moved on amazingly since its early days, but it still only gives a 'first pass' translation and finds it really difficult to deal with metaphors and multiple meanings. It's a decent tool to get the gist of texts, but I wouldn't fancy it for songs or poetry.

Not sure if a human or a machine did this, but here's a translation. It leaves one word untranslated, but down in the comments someone says: "Vuoi" is just an interjection, I would propose that the closest English equivalent for it might be something like "oh".
Very interesting Wiki read. 
Wonderful.. Count on RP to hunt up such offerings.
 westslope wrote:

I'm in a thatched mud-walled hut.  It is dark.  Everybody is drunk and their feet are pounding on the earthen floor in rhythm to the chanting chorus.

 Oops.  Wrong continent.

 So tell me, do the Sami drink as much as their southern neighbours? 

{#Lol} They'd have to go some to outdrink the Finns, right enough. Maybe they do like the Mongolians who IIRC drink fermented yak's milk. Can you ferment moose milk, I wonder? ;-)

+1 on this song, with all the negative comments, and kudos as ever to RP for bringing such music to my ears :)
See on hea.
zipper wrote:
I do wish the emoticon o' puke would disappear from the library.
There is a place for the puking icon and it aptly applies to this song.

  choffman2001 wrote:

I heartily second that request! Bill, please?  

zipper wrote:
I do wish the emoticon o' puke would disappear from the library.
The puking emoticon is a file located here: 



The filename is icon_puke.gif, and it's location is /tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/.

So to banish the puking icon, all you have to do is find a way to block that file in whatever web browser you use. In Opera, for example, you could right-click anywhere on a page that features the pukicon, select "Block content," then hold the shift key while you click the offending icon. Then click "Done."

Clicking the icon without holding the shift key will block the entire /tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/ directory, which would probably block all emoticons, and any other image files located in that directory.

If you use Firefox, install the Adblock Plus add-on. Navigate to a page that features the puke icon, click the stop sign with ABP in the top, right corner of your browser and select "Open blockable items" (or press Ctrl-Shift-V). Search for icon_puke.gif, right-click on it and select block. Make sure icon_puke.gif is selected in the dialog that pops up then click the Add Filter button.

I'm pretty sure Ad Block is available for Chrome. I'm not sure what kind of add-on or extension capabilities Safari or Internet Explorer have, but check with any community support forums for your browser of choice to find options for blocking offensive content.

 Byronape wrote:

bablefish.com will translate it for you.

What, from Sami? That would be a surprise, though even if it did the results would be...idiosyncratic. Machine translation's moved on amazingly since its early days, but it still only gives a 'first pass' translation and finds it really difficult to deal with metaphors and multiple meanings. It's a decent tool to get the gist of texts, but I wouldn't fancy it for songs or poetry.

 haretic wrote:
I like this track a lot, and I have found other tracks by Mari Boine that I enjoy as well.  But I can find only one translation of one of her songs into English, and that is not a song I have heard!  I am frustrated, as I need to understand the lyrics to fully enjoy a song.  Alas.
bablefish.com will translate it for you.

I heartily second that request! Bill, please?  

zipper wrote:
I do wish the emoticon o' puke would disappear from the library.

Vile, headache-inducing monotony. 
If this song were 2 minutes long I would really like it.
This reminds me of a softer Rhea's Obsession.  Sue could sing the rings off Saturn - I'd love to hear her and the band do a duet with Mari Boine. Oh, the magic...
Up from 7 to 8.  The more I hear it, the more I like it - it sets a mood that puts me into a lovely, mellow slipstream... {#Chillpill}{#Bounce}{#Sunny}
I do wish the emoticon o' puke would disappear from the library.
Yes, hauntingly repetitious, unintelligible and annoyingly uneventful. "Round" mouth-sounds made over and over don't make clever lyrics.

Maybe if I had smoked a very large peace-pipe I'd have enjoyed it more...then again, it would have to be a VERY large pipe. -Another one I could never hear again and be perfectly happy.

20:43 GMT+1, perfect for a rainy edinburgh

This song is worse than having the bed spins...{#Puke}

It's 12:45pm PST and it's still too early for this track on a Monday...

Beautiful, and I love the way it builds.
Bill, brill segue from Emily Jane White - Bessie Smith. Very creative!

If you like this, then you probably like Marianne Faithfull - Broken English ... I can't say anything good about either song. Oh! Except that they aren't played much! YaY !!

When I first heard this, I thought it was Rhea's Obsession!  I like it.{#Meditate}{#Sunny}
Cool stuff, I like different provocative music
For some reason I feel the urge to go play with a yo-yo. 
I'm surprised at the low ratings on this one.  I find it rythmic, unusual and interesting.

I'm in a thatched mud-walled hut.  It is dark.  Everybody is drunk and their feet are pounding on the earthen floor in rhythm to the chanting chorus.


Oops.  Wrong continent.


So tell me, do the Sami drink as much as their southern neighbours?

I give it a solid 1.
Bring on more...yes!
Pass on this one.
 Ivana wrote:
Very good. I hear there a strong woman spirituality. Please more.
Hauntingly beautiful.

How's the rest of the album?

Norwegian soul music? My grandparents were from Norway....wait...I'm starting to feel it....
Wow is RIGHT! Just lllllllovin' the mix the past few hours, Bill. Thanks a bunch. Working on report cards; RP, keeping me company. All the best out there, everybody. Keep safe, be good to each other.


I like this track a lot, and I have found other tracks by Mari Boine that I enjoy as well.  But I can find only one translation of one of her songs into English, and that is not a song I have heard!  I am frustrated, as I need to understand the lyrics to fully enjoy a song.  Alas.
Still love this track!
This is a modern techno version of a sami song and and sami joik. The sami people lives in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. They are parted it different groups and do not have the same language. Mari Boine speaks the north sami language. It is a myth that they all lives in the mountains with their reindeers. Just a few of them do. The rest of them lives as regular inhabitant of the countries in the north of Scandinavia.

Mari Boine's father was a farmer and a carpenter. She is to day professor at the University College of Nesna in Norway.
Bill's on fire this AM.  
I can't believe I haven't heard her before.  This voice arrested me in my work!  Very strong and very sweet at the same time.  More please!  Going to look her up now. 

Very good. I hear there a strong woman spirituality. Please more.
Excellent follow up to Joni...gotta get this one from Mari...fan of hers from the early days.
interesting...my first thought upon hearing this song was that she must be aboriginal north american....then i looked at her myspace, and saw the picture, and still thought that...then i read the content of her myspace page.....  very interesting...
What the hell...I really like it too.
As much as I would like to like this, I can't.  I'm fine with the music, really, but the droning vocalizing just isn't hitting me right.  Maybe it's this stomach trouble I'm having.  For now a 4.  Next time maybe higher.  I'll try.

great beat
easy to dance to
i give it a 10
daboom daboom da boom daboom daboom
I like this just fine.  I smile and tap my toe.  But if I only ever heard it thirteen more times, that would probably be quite enough.  A man's got to know his limits.
i'm surprised by the negative reaction by so many people. i think this music is a little different, but certainly not inaccessible. to me, this is really interesting and well done, and to some extent reminds me of Marianne Faithful's "Broken English". Listen to that and think about whether its close. This song certainly didn't merit the harsh criticism posted on this message board.
 BillG wrote:

Thanks for the pronunciation advice. I try to get that right, but often (as in this case) resort to guesswork.

As for my use of the term "Scandinavia", I do think that "Northern Scandinavia" is a relatively accurate geographic description of the Sami homeland. Mari is indeed from Norway, but the Sami lands encompass parts of northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland, along with a bit of Russian territory.
    Correct,Mr,DJ,Sir !

 yodasan_magoo wrote:

Couldn't agree with you more.  If I heard this outside my door I would call 911
 yodasan_magoo wrote:
A good description of your 'comment'.

 billcb wrote:
Wow...seems like anyone can get a record contract.  Pretty sure I can whip up something just as nauseating.  Where do I sign?
Right Here  .....................................  I also have some swamp land in Florida you might be interested in. Can't wait to hear your record. {#Rolleyes} 

Great song, love it, more Marie Boine please RP.

Wow...seems like anyone can get a record contract.  Pretty sure I can whip up something just as nauseating.  Where do I sign?

7 {#Arrow} 8

volume turned down until this is over

Well, whatever you think about this song, it inspired an entertaining mix of comments, well worth reading.  I especially appreciated and agree with nmatavka's conclusions.  RP is never dull! 
nmatavka wrote:
Something stinks in Schittzville, and Mari Boine is the mayor.  This is tedious, boring rubbish, all right.  As the Americans say, total dreck.  It's like one of those persistent headaches that just drag on, and on, and on, and on.  However, I will not go so far as to say Mr Goldsmith is not to play this song again.  As much as this song does not strike my fancy, I admire Radio Paradise for its eclecticism, and have never requested, nor will ever request, that a certain song be taken out of rotation.  I wish they played more Morphine though :P

Me no like
The tune and even the tone remind me a lot of Broken English by Marianne Faithfull.
Her husky voice reminds me a little of Neko Case.
Yeah, "world music" is a horrible descriptor, because it isn't any descriptor at all. Much too coarse to convey any useful meaning.

Oh, and I am digging this.
I'm REALLY not liking this one, Bill. Repetitive and out of tune is a baaaad combination.

I like it.

Mandible wrote:

are you sure? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_music

Some musicians and curators of music have come to dislike the term "World Music". To these critics, "World Music" is a parochial, catchall marketing term for non-western music of all genres. On October 3, 1999, David Byrne, the founder of the Luaka Bop music label, wrote an editorial in The New York Times entitled I Hate World Music<10> explaining his objections to the term. Byrne argued that the labeling and categorization of other cultures as "exotic" serves to attract an insincere consumership and deter other potential consumers.

perhaps you are one of those who dislikes the term? I guess you may be right that it is all "world music"? Not sure on this one. Now I'm confusing myself.

Felix_The_Cat wrote:

I concur with Mr. Byrne, Mandible, I detest the term, it is such an hypocrisy.. They should call it , to be honest with themselves, "rest of the World" music. It's a marketing term, in fact, and anthropologically speaking, it's totally ethnocentric .. Cheers


I want to vomit every time Bill plays this.
Whoa...for a few minutes I thought this was a new Alison Krauss' project until the Native American chanting started.  I'm digging it thus far...7/10

I get happy every time Bill plays this
 EssexTex wrote:

She's singing...."My Ford Ranger's shit...and I'm buying a Toyota next time"

I think she should buy a bicycle and a makeover.  Yeesh.

Baby_M wrote:
I don't know what she's singing about, but it brings on the gooseflesh. If the objective is to provoke an emotional response, well, she's succeeding.

She's singing...."My Ford Ranger's shit...and I'm buying a Toyota next time"

 jagdriver wrote:
Yoko called — she wants her warble back.
Its called Jojk. Or Joik or Yoik depending on language background. ;)


Maybe it was Yoiko Ono all this time and we misspelt her name... The *shame* {#Redface}
I don't know what she's singing about, but it brings on the gooseflesh.  If the objective is to provoke an emotional response, well, she's succeeding.
AvoidingWork wrote

Well she can't have it.  Mari uses it much better.{#Tongue}

someone call..? {#Ask}

 jagdriver wrote:
Yoko called — she wants her warble back.
Well she can't have it.  Mari uses it much better.{#Tongue}