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Echo & the Bunnymen — Siberia
Album: Siberia
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Total ratings: 1545

Released: 2005
Length: 4:49
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Where were we
Fearless and only ever scared of me
Peerless and tearless

That was me
Cold as ice
On my knees
Every night
Snow white

Where were you
When all the doors were closing
You forced me to
Of all of us it's you who chose
It's you who chose

Not me
Cold as ice
On my knees
Every night
Snow white

Where were we
When I was fearless and only ever scared of me
Peerless and tearless

Where am I
Still trying to find the light
That burns the northern sky
A rarer borealis

Born to be
Made of lights
On my knees every night
Snow bright

Yeh thats me
Cold as ice
On my knees
Every night
Snow white

Born to be
Made of lights
On my knees every night
Snow bright
Comments (116)add comment
Oh Bunnymen. Where would I be without ye?
wow. i don't remember this one. i like it.
Love the Bunnymen
This song is like an Echo and the Bunnymen song but with no cunning edge.
I think this song rocks... I've also known my share of those who've gone down on their knees nightly to court the wicked Snow White I think he speaks of herein...
Where's the perspective of those dwarves who made her career? Typically, tossed aside as fame beckoned.
This song has a 'Bedbugs and Ballyhoovibe to it.
Vocals are very Bono-ish. (zooropa era)
Can hear a lot of influence that Muse has probably fed on.  I'm all for that love this band and Muse is a great benefit of this sound too.
Never gets old.
 jkamm14 wrote:

This song is now 15 years old. I'm from the future and, in my opinion, it holds up. 
Scary - I still think of this as "new" Echo...yikes! 
Eternos Echo
Not very fond.  In part because imho this track is not unlike Arcade Fire, although it's better.  
 jdorn1 wrote:
passsion8 wrote:
Doesn't hold up like the Cure does.
This can't hold up becaue it's NEW! Judge is 10 years from now.
This song is now 15 years old. I'm from the future and, in my opinion, it holds up. 
Well, now I just feel old.

 Dinges,_the_Dude wrote:
I haven't read all the comments below, but could it be that the singer of Echo is the same as the one from Starsailor?
It's possible the singer of Echo is the dad of the singer from Starsailor.

He's just old enough.

I haven't read all the comments below, but could it be that the singer of Echo is the same as the one from Starsailor?
 Wittgenstein wrote:
This song had some serious fucking bunny soul.  {#Motor}
          I was wondering why this song is so frickin' lame, must be that "bunny soul," . . . drip!

This song had some serious fucking bunny soul.  {#Motor}
kaosmonkey wrote:
your jedi mind trick won't work on Bill.
dude I'm all for Echo and the Bunnymen, but twice in one day pushes it.
ps...learn some manners
i think it's interesting, the person who called this "crap"...i wonder how they would feel if their song was referred to as crap....my guess is that this person does not write/record......
lokiwolf wrote:
Come on please, for pity's sake. This echo and the bunnymen crap is getting freaking stale already. This crap has been on your playlist for years. drop it.
your jedi mind trick won't work on Bill.
AphidA wrote:
Agreed. esotericderek wrote:
Wow, what an awesome transition from Pink Floyd's "Summer 68".
aw AphidA i feel all warm inside, something we agree on!
lokiwolf wrote:
still not back
still not back
oh geeeeeeeeeees, looks like I still haven't returned to Paradise since that dicky song
Come on please, for pity's sake. This echo and the bunnymen crap is getting freaking stale already. This crap has been on your playlist for years. drop it.
Thought it was U2 for a minute...
esotericderek wrote:
Wow, what an awesome transition from Pink Floyd's "Summer 68".
randall07 wrote:
Pretty good. Anyone else hearing Travis?
No, but I hear U2. OH WAIT! U2 just came on. Funny.
esotericderek wrote:
Wow, what an awesome transition from Pink Floyd's "Summer 68". Made me raise my rating to a 9 for this song.
Just the opposite for me, more listens = lower score.
Wow, what an awesome transition from Pink Floyd's "Summer 68". Made me raise my rating to a 9 for this song.
hippiechick wrote:
This song is played too often.
Nope. Just mute or get yourself a coffee and let us enjoy.
randall07 wrote:
Pretty good. Anyone else hearing Travis?
Hm, yuh, come to think of it. Since I love this song, guess I'm on my way with Travis, too.
This song is played too often.
randall07 wrote:
Pretty good. Anyone else hearing Travis?
Who is Travis?
Hey I didn't know this was them. It's listenable.
passsion8 wrote:
Doesn't hold up like the Cure does.
This can't hold up becaue it's NEW! Judge is 10 years from now.
randall07 wrote:
Pretty good. Anyone else hearing Travis?
Only if Travis was listening when they were in kindergarden.
passsion8 wrote:
Doesn't hold up like the Cure does.
Sure it does, on its own merit & by its own right: 10
Pretty good. Anyone else hearing Travis?
Doesn't hold up like the Cure does.
Fantastic song... A little over played... Heart RP!
Nice riff transition from Summer 68.
The RP world tour; New Hamshire to Siberia. Where 2 next? 8-D
I'm saddened to read how much negativity there is for this tune. It appeals to me just like their early works. strong 9. You go Echo!
Kerly wrote:
I like his voice.
Hi Bunny! I'll Echo that comment !!!
I like his voice.
Just eeeked it's way up to a 9.
Easy 8! ;) OScar
lokiwolf wrote:
crap boring stupid and a great reason to switch channels
Excellent - more bandwidth for me!
crap boring stupid and a great reason to switch channels
lokiwolf wrote:
Uhm................I'm changing the channel now.....
Uhm, just turned on RP and guess what was playing Just changed the station...............
Goddess, y'all're playin' this somethin' chronic. Vaccinate please, or at least warn us so that we may wear protection.
djblitz wrote:
Hah, ditto! Edonkey rarely lets me down but this is one of those times, they don't seem to have too much Echo & the Bunnymen floating around out there at all....
Score one for Y! Unlimited :)
TobalMoreno wrote:
I cannot seem to find it for illegal download and have been very waiting to at least get it in my real player que for the day...
Hah, ditto! Edonkey rarely lets me down but this is one of those times, they don't seem to have too much Echo & the Bunnymen floating around out there at all....
lokiwolf wrote:
This sucks, dude. Please, I am completely SICK of this snotty song.
Uhm................I'm changing the channel now.....
ahhhhhhh, damn. got to work 1 minute too late to hear this. I cannot seem to find it for illegal download and have been very waiting to at least get it in my real player que for the day... new most favoritest song.
Great set! I think I'll have to get this album.
brighthue wrote:
Crocodile Lips? Sorry.
I can see you've got the blues...in your alligator shoes Me I'm all smiles..with my crocodiles!!!
the segue between Porcupine Tree's "Point 3" to "Siberia" was awesome. Ian continues to suprise me with his consistent ability to write great songs. yay ehco!
MikeCloud wrote:
The more I hear this song the more I like it. If they had come out with this song in 1986 it would have been huge hit. It is very 80's, but then so am I. more importantly we could stand a lot more 80's in the world.
Not in my opinion. I think the 80s music reeked.
lokiwolf wrote:
Interesting that my previous post, which panned this song, was REMOVED No critics allowed, Apache? That sucks, dude. Please, I am completely SICK of this snotty song.
I believe the only way your post could be removed is by yourself, or Bill. If Bill removed it, it must have been pretty obnoxious.
Wow, perfect segue from Porcupine Tree. Nice, Bill!!
lokiwolf wrote:
Interesting that my previous post, which panned this song, was REMOVED No critics allowed, Apache? That sucks, dude. Please, I am completely SICK of this snotty song.
I don't know why your comment was removed. Maybe too much swearing and too many emoticons, Apache? Criticism is allowed. Some of your other song comments are proof of that.
Interesting that my previous post, which panned this song, was REMOVED No critics allowed, Apache? That sucks, dude. Please, I am completely SICK of this snotty song.
Austin2Florida wrote:
I didn't realize these guys were still around. Not bad.
Check out the new album. It's better than this.
I didn't realize these guys were still around. Not bad.
MikeCloud wrote:
The more I hear this song the more I like it. If they had come out with this song in 1986 it would have been huge hit. It is very 80's, but then so am I. more importantly we could stand a lot more 80's in the world. The slow fade out of the post punk/new wave/new ro era was the true victory of the mundane, and we are all the poorer for it. The only band from that time that really survived was U2, but that just proves my point. they are or were for a long time the light on the path...
True dat. This one is a grower.
stevo_b wrote:
U2 sounding - easily
Not saying that's good; not saying that's bad.....
Tux wrote:
Even though I must admid that ranting on bad songs is so much easier than giving possitive comments with a meaning to something you like. It proves much harder to say why I do not like something than it is to tell why I do like something.
Fair and honest observation, Tux!
Synth80s wrote:
Just so we understand your methodology, do you rate songs based on how good you think they are on a scale from 1-10 or how much you do or don't want them played on RP? Do you really think Radiohead's "Street Spirit" is a 1? Or the Beatles' "Let It Be?"
I never rate based on `quality'. I rate on how much I like or dislike the song, which is probably equal to how much I would like to (not) hear it being played on RP (or any other station). My rates are an honoust reflection of my taste, at least at the moment I rate the song when I hear it. The song that preceded the song being rated might influence my rating when I percieve the current song as a (anti)climax to the song before. Synth80s wrote:
To each their own, I suppose, but you have an awful lot of popular songs from highly regarded artists on your list of 218 1s. Until RP starts playing Right Said Fred, I don't hear a lot of 1s!
As you say, to each their own. Luckily RP still plays more than enough of the `good' stuff, so I think I'll be around some more. I've also just browsed through my most recent song comments, and I think I'm pretty much in balance on my possitive and negative comments too. Even though I must admid that ranting on bad songs is so much easier than giving possitive comments with a meaning to something you like. It proves much harder to say why I do not like something than it is to tell why I do like something.
The more I hear this song the more I like it. If they had come out with this song in 1986 it would have been huge hit. It is very 80's, but then so am I. more importantly we could stand a lot more 80's in the world. The slow fade out of the post punk/new wave/new ro era was the true victory of the mundane, and we are all the poorer for it. The only band from that time that really survived was U2, but that just proves my point. they are or were for a long time the light on the path...
Just a bit 'eh'.
Sounds very "Budbugs and Ballyhoo"
I'd like to hear the singer from the Screeming Trees to sing this. That would add a cool tagent.
U2 sounding - easily
the most painful guitar work I've heard in years
You know, maybe it's just the vocals, but these guys sound like U2 with all the goodness sucked out of them.
jdorn1 wrote:
Ian slips back and forth between the old Crocodile Style (preferred) and the latter Lips Like Sugar style.
Crocodile Lips? Sorry.
Tobal likes.
Tux wrote:
Low ratings: | 1 48 groups, 217 songs | 2 78 groups, 185 songs
Just so we understand your methodology, do you rate songs based on how good you think they are on a scale from 1-10 or how much you do or don't want them played on RP? Do you really think Radiohead's "Street Spirit" is a 1? Or the Beatles' "Let It Be?" To each their own, I suppose, but you have an awful lot of popular songs from highly regarded artists on your list of 218 1s. Until RP starts playing Right Said Fred, I don't hear a lot of 1s! -Synth80s
rluking wrote:
I won't give him higher than a 2. Check out the amount of Beatles on his 1 rating list. I mean, honestly....
So? If I dislike the Beatles, mostly because they are the most overplayed band, does that rate me? honestly, what does someone's taste, and therefor their rating, cause to rate a person? You don't know me (and maybe you don't want to know me), but that has nothing to do with taste. My taste is well spread here on this radiostation: Low ratings: | 1 48 groups, 217 songs | 2 78 groups, 185 songs | 3 60 groups, 73 songs | 4 50 groups, 55 songs | 178 groups, 530 songs High ratings: | 5 33 groups, 33 songs | 6 44 groups, 46 songs | 7 138 groups, 165 songs | 8 208 groups, 283 songs | 9 110 groups, 197 songs | 10 26 groups, 70 songs | 419 groups, 794 songs Total: | 597 groups, 1324 songs Avarage rate: 5.6 Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Yeah, cool
I'm so lame; every time this song comes on, I ask myself "oooo! Who's that?" And every time, I get the same answer... Why do I have a mental block about this band?
I find myself turning this up louder each time I hear it, which has been quite a bit on RP. It's an extremely "poppy" and radio friendly song, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is pretty darn good!
topherg87 wrote:
saw these guys at SXSW couple nights ago. They sounded pretty great, but i couldnt get past how big of a douche bag the lead singer was. Almost ruined the show for me, but I was able to have a good time nonetheless.
Phew. Glad you were. I was getting a little worried about you until you mentioned that last part.
saw these guys at SXSW couple nights ago. They sounded pretty great, but i couldnt get past how big of a douche bag the lead singer was. Almost ruined the show for me, but I was able to have a good time nonetheless.
jah_blessed wrote:
Freudian slip of the tongue there, Tux? You don't get higher than a 2? From who?
I won't give him higher than a 2. Check out the amount of Beatles on his 1 rating list. I mean, honestly....
the nice thing is that nobody thinks this is worth a 1. (as of march 15, 2006 3:58PM ET)
Tux wrote:
But it still sucks. I don't get higher than a 2.
Freudian slip of the tongue there, Tux? You don't get higher than a 2? From who?
Is this a band that was big for a song or 2 and now made a come back? The name looks familiar and they sound like they want to sell themselves.
Carly wrote:
vocals conjuring up Bono
definitely. same melodrama...
Welcome Back Bunnypeople!!
I really like this. Nice guitar work rambling around in the background. I like his voice, too.
vocals conjuring up Bono
serendipity_blue wrote:
This new Bunnymen is much better than previous new Bunnymen.
But it still sucks. I don't get higher than a 2.
SIGNATURE Will Sargent guitar work. Ian slips back and forth between the old Crocodile Style (preferred) and the latter Lips Like Sugar style. I like it!!!
serendipity_blue wrote:
This new Bunnymen is much better than previous new Bunnymen.
Hey, I actually think there's a lot of good stuff on "Flowers" and "Evergreen"! I mean yeah, I still reach for "Heaven Up Here" more often than both of those, but still...
This new Bunnymen is much better than previous new Bunnymen.
Nice. A bit too much Bedbugs and Ballyhoo, but I like it.
Holy crap!!! This was the fastest upload I've ever had!!!! Go get this entire CD...it's every bit as good as their old stuff, yet more mature.
Bunny, bunny, bunny. . . Yeah!
...how appropo that it is I...the bunnyman...t9o comment first on this gospel... S.