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Jeff Buckley — Last Goodbye
Album: Grace
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Released: 1994
Length: 4:28
Plays (last 30 days): 3
This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die
But it's over
Just hear this and then I'll go
You gave me more to live for
More than you'll ever know

This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face
Why can't we overcome this wall
Baby, maybe it is just because I didn't know you at all

Kiss me
Please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, babe
And not consolation
You know it makes me so angry
'Cause I know that in time
I'll only make you cry
This is our last goodbye

Did you say "No, this can't happen to me"
And did you rush to your phone to call?
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind saying
"Maybe... you didn't know him at all"
You didn't know him at all
You didn't know

The bells out in the church tower chime
Burning clues into this heart of mine
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memory
Offer signs that it's over
It's over
Comments (378)add comment
 Edweirdo wrote:

Wow - I remember reading this pile of dreck the first time around - it hasn't improved with age!

Quote "I lost an important part of my brain somewhere in a field in Wiltshire"
Jeff was truly and Angel! 
Young Mr. Buckley treated singing 🎶 like an elite athletic pursuit!
This song makes me feel his loss so much more. What a talent. 
love Jeff. 
This was the last song played by WHFS-FM before they suddenly switched from modern rock / alternative to an all-Spanish format. 
great song. amazing album. I never tire of JB.
 cc_rider wrote:

No comments in 8 years?

This song - and the album - breaks me. Every. Single. Time.

Godspeed, Buckleys.

edit - Bill, please do not play Patty Griffin's 'Goodbye' after this. I don't think I could take it.

this album buries me every time too…feelings - wow I am not burying them and neither did Jeff.
May the gods bless this boy.
What a loss for the world.
What a fantastic album "Grace" is.
 mindpunk wrote:
Wow - I remember reading this pile of dreck the first time around - it hasn't improved with age!
 mindpunk wrote:

Jude Rogers is just jealous
lost an up & comer way too early!
I'm not familiar to this version but i have listen the album a lot...
Did i forgot? 
Maybe cause i was more into the father, Tim, than the son those last years.
No comments in 8 years?

This song - and the album - breaks me. Every. Single. Time.

Godspeed, Buckleys.

edit - Bill, please do not play Patty Griffin's 'Goodbye' after this. I don't think I could take it.
Everybody in my alien space craft loves this farewell song...  miss ya...
The soundtrack to a literally life-changing trip.
Every time I hear it that moment comes back like the hot kiss at the end of a wet fist.
Oh Jeff.  This album is perfect.  His voice does it for me every time.
Emmylou's "All My Tears" followed by this... RP's on a roll.
You are sorely missed!
Vanilla Sky
 mindpunk wrote:
a lot of projection and shadow issues going on there. Maybe she fell in love with Jeff for the wrong reasons in the first place. 

So does he sound like Thom Yorke, or does Thom Yorke sound like Jeff Buckley?  Um confused ...
I love everything about this song. Every last thing. Damn.
... just slightly overrated, check this  ;-)   https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2007/jun/02/jeffbuckleynothankyou?commentpage=1
Brilliance, yet the urgency in the voice, sometimes it's just to painful--in a spiritual way--to listen to this, though I always can.

marvelous...  love it...
One of my favourite songs, but seems to be played too often? 

3 days ago is too soon!

In retrospect, this song is incredibly profound...  such a tragedy...

appreciating the diversity today, Bill!!
Has anyone heard anything about this?  Good or bad?

Greetings from Tim Buckley Official Trailer

(Sorry for the double post... I couldn't seem to edit the previous one...) 
Has anyone heard anything about this?  Good or bad?

<iframe xx="560" yy="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/92G8TcMubNg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 
Still haven't found it - d'oh! 

Desimia wrote:
I need to find this CD in my pile of old CDs, like, NOW 

Oh, there... it... is...
I need to find this CD in my pile of old CDs, like, NOW 
What can be said about Jeff that hasn't been said a hundred times already. Did heaven have to take him so early since he sang like an angel?
This voice and music is coming straight from heaven :)
Fantastic and sad.
One fine Jeff Buckley tune. Too bad there won't be any more! {#Eh}

A body goes down:Jeff Buckleyby ~kenmeyerjr
©2003-2012 ~kenmeyerjr

Named after the Duncan Sheik song, this is one of my alllll time favorites, Jeff Buckley...could have met him once, if I had just walked a tiny bit faster across the crosswalk and wanted to bother him.

 stunix wrote:
all know Grace is fantastic, but for me, this is the song that never gets boring or tired.  oh and "Lover Should've come over" :)
i'm with you.

and the song Grace, too.  
 jenovella70 wrote:
I bought it when it first came out, based on seeing the video on MTV (lol). I loved this song but the rest of the album took about another couple of years to really hit me, as well! I'm glad I came back to it, because now I cannot imagine how I missed this genius. I can't say enough how much I love the "tear" in his voice, the sadness & depth of feeling, not to mention the albums use of nuance, which is lost on a lot of more modern music. (Can't stand compression!) My fave track is probably "Lover, You Should Have Come Over," but the whole album is a classic to me. (Even if I still kind of prefer Nina Simone's version of Lilac Wine :P)
The what on MTV? MTV played videos? That's crazy talk.
 Smokinmaxwell wrote:
Is there really a mute list so as not to have to listen to Jeff Buckley?
It's called the PSD button, or otherwise, go for commercial-infested, listener-ignoring radio :)
all know Grace is fantastic, but for me, this is the song that never gets boring or tired.  oh and "Lover Should've come over" :)
This is a great song for giving you music chills.
 Smokinmaxwell wrote:
Sorry— this is cocophany.

Chocolate music?
Aaah that's better. More of this, and So Real, please. Thankyou.
 Yeah, that's one hell of a transition. Emotional overload combined with a great sunny day. Everything is coming together.

GuiltyFeat wrote:
Big Country in to this? That makes me happy.

Big Country in to this? That makes me happy.
One of my favorites,
 chyk5 wrote:
I didn't start listening to this guy until after he was gone. I played this CD for a month straight after I bought it. What a loss.

I think this is the same for most people.  after all, he left us not long after recording his first album.    however the albums quality hits you right between the eyes.
love this.

This song is not played enough.

At one point in this song, I think Buckley sounds just like Burton Cummings.
Oh my god..RP is playing a different Jeff B song ! Refreshing to hear other tunes than Hallelujah !! THANKS BILL
Is there really a mute list so as not to have to listen to Jeff Buckley?
cacophony — sounds bad
Sorry— this is cocophany.

Sad song, lyrics-wise.  But the music is so chugga-chugga upbeat and springy.  Doesn't match.  The emotion in the lyrics is not expressed in any way by the musical style.  Strange.  And I don't like it.
Crushing. Every. Time.
Great song. Hope you're rockin where ever you are Jeff.


Well, prob 11; pedigree..........?
 GuiltyFeat wrote:
Perfection preserved in amber.

"You gave me more to live for, more than you'll ever know." 

Perfection preserved in amber.

"You gave me more to live for, more than you'll ever know." 
 Byronape wrote:
My wife is one of the Jeff Buckley worshipers and has been for many years.  She played a few songs from this album only a few months into dating, but for some reason the greatness didn't sink in for me.  It wasn't until years later that my eyes were really opened and I have had this cd in my car ever since.
I bought it when it first came out, based on seeing the video on MTV (lol). I loved this song but the rest of the album took about another couple of years to really hit me, as well! I'm glad I came back to it, because now I cannot imagine how I missed this genius. I can't say enough how much I love the "tear" in his voice, the sadness & depth of feeling, not to mention the albums use of nuance, which is lost on a lot of more modern music. (Can't stand compression!) My fave track is probably "Lover, You Should Have Come Over," but the whole album is a classic to me. (Even if I still kind of prefer Nina Simone's version of Lilac Wine :P)

My wife is one of the Jeff Buckley worshipers and has been for many years.  She played a few songs from this album only a few months into dating, but for some reason the greatness didn't sink in for me.  It wasn't until years later that my eyes were really opened and I have had this cd in my car ever since.
Beautiful Jeff.
 Lumpy13 wrote:
Is there any song more sad than this one?
Patty Griffin's "Goodbye" has to be up there.  Ironically, it's a song written about Jeff Buckley.
I have great admiration for your voice and your tallent. 
The first time I heard your voice I sat up and took notice and pursued. 
But you were already gone. 
Wish you were still here.
Is there any song more sad than this one?
A truly landmark album, and amazing song.
so topical. so beautiful. so sad. so right now. so timeless. thank you, jeff. wherever you are.
 cc_rider wrote:
I have to stop working and listen to this song. Every single time. 'Cause I can't see through the tears. I don't know why this song affects me so strongly, but it rips my heart out every time. Damn.
{#Yes} {#Cowboy}{#Yes}
This song is still amazingly powerful. One of the most influential musicians of recent memory, taken from us far too soon.

And his mom is a really nice lady.

Great stuff.  Really enjoy the instrumentation in Buckley's music, especially the bass.

Is this the Last Goodbye? Awesome song
Cool tune.  Great vocals.  Sorely missed.
 Zigi wrote:

I find it hard to find any similarities between the two, just the fact that Matthew always sings with thick distortion over his voice tells me he is not comparable to Jeff Buckley.


I have to agree with Zigi.

In the immortal words of Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing, "Comparisons are odorous."
 chyk5 wrote:
I didn't start listening to this guy until after he was gone. I played this CD for a month straight after I bought it. What a loss.

Interesting.  i did exactly the same thing.  Genius, really. 

I didn't start listening to this guy until after he was gone. I played this CD for a month straight after I bought it. What a loss.

I have to stop working and listen to this song. Every single time. 'Cause I can't see through the tears. I don't know why this song affects me so strongly, but it rips my heart out every time. Damn.
 tanyaahogan wrote:
SO, so interesting {#Wave}
Matthew Bellamy (Muse writer, lead guitarist and vocalist) gets RAILED about his amazing voice, and this guy who sounds like him is held up like a god.  

I find it hard to find any similarities between the two, just the fact that Matthew always sings with thick distortion over his voice tells me he is not comparable to Jeff Buckley.

Need more volume.  Love this, it makes the hair on my neck stand up.

One of my "Desert Island" albums for sure.
Solid 10.

This is just one of those songs where every little details seems absolutely perfect and the flow of the song blends with my feelings.
10. As in godlike.

Here in DC, this was the last song WHFS played before they went off the air.
 Bosami wrote:
Simply. Awesome.
Bill - how about 'Eternal Life' ?
The road version!

 RabbitEars wrote:

And it still feels the same.

Oh, and the song is a 10.

One of my favourite CDs.
Simply. Awesome.
Bill - how about 'Eternal Life' ?
Ooooooo always loved this one! Love that bass line and slide guitar!{#Bananajam}
 copymonkey wrote:

What does that even mean? Just trying out your new cool-guy words, and in the process creating a completely contradictory statement? If so, it worked.

Cool-guy words? Wtf? Those words seemed pretty normal and descriptive to me - didn't seem like he was trying to be anything to me. The term "Cool-guy word" is much more confusing... and "Cool-guy"... ish...

Anyways, I get what he was saying. Good songwriter, he pulls off (executes) what he is trying to achieve, and clearly has passion for it. However he just isn't aaoaoo's cup of tea, and maybe doesn't have that unexplainable x-factor that makes people love certain artists. There are many artists that I know are good and I respect them, but they aren't my "thing."
 TheKing2 wrote:
This is one of those few 11ths pushing 12ths out there.

Who was the producer?

It was produced, engineered and mixed by Andy Wallace.  Cheers.
This is one of those few 11ths pushing 12ths out there.

Who was the producer?
Beautiful but overplayed...on my ipod {#Clap}....
Just love that voice.  Sad he is no longer with us.
 aaoaoo wrote:
I'm "meh" on Jeff Buckley, but "hells yes" on the songwriting, execution, and passion.


What does that even mean? Just trying out your new cool-guy words, and in the process creating a completely contradictory statement? If so, it worked.
So, I'm the dork that hadn't heard this album (other than what is played on RP), but my good, dear brother loaned me his copy of the Legacy Edition and:  Holy. Crap. Batman!  What a fine album.  Unbelievable.  Much more aggressive than I would have thought.  Good, good stuff!
 aliweg wrote:

Always the same question in my head: ..why so early?


I'm "meh" on Jeff Buckley, but "hells yes" on the songwriting, execution, and passion.


Damn close to perfect.

Always the same question in my head: ..why so early?

Thanks Bill...I am now officially addicted to this guy's music.
If only he coulda stuck around longer to put out more amazing music.  So sad he had to leave so early.  Good thing though, 'cause I'd probably be in jail for stalking him. 

Donno why I love this song so much! Maybe the desperation of  Kiss Me, Please Kiss Me! {#Kiss}
 rtwingo wrote:

 cc_rider wrote: From the first note, this song makes me an emotional wreck. Oddly, I think that's why I love it. 

Don't agree with that statement!

cc_rider (should have) wrote: From the first note, this album makes me an emotional wreck. Oddly, I think that's why I love it.

Now, that's better.

  I stand corrected. No, I sit and weep corrected.

Thanks for fixing my post.

This brings to mind my Son who covers this man's music so very well..See him at Starbucks this weekend..you guess which one.

 mirland wrote:


Let me refrain that. Yuk. Terrible terrible terrible.

Dammit.  I get back from a bathroom break to hear the closing bars of a Jeff Buckley song. {#Doh}

It just show you that one should never, ever, ever stop listening to Radio Paradise.  Never.

I need someone to bring me a "truckers friend."
Jeff Buckley is one of the best "rip your heart out" artists...just great and sad and full of emotion.

That is all.
 Egrey wrote:
This was the last song before WHFS went off the air. :-(. Bill, Rebecca...don't get any ideas!
¡Esta tu nuevo radio!  ¡El ZOL!

Marr wrote:
Bill, I hope you're going to follow this set up with ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky" so that we can cheer up a bit.

I was waiting for Vienna Teng's "Passage" to complete the emotional pounding...I need a fu**ing drink...

Bill, I hope you're going to follow this set up with ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky" (or something similarly upbeat) so that we can cheer up a bit.

 Amnesia wrote:
Has anyone realize how many songs talking about death have been played??{#Eek}
I have no idea what you're talking about...

j/k. This set is one of Bill's 'theme' series.

Just perfect... 
One of the greatest...

Someone died today and I am not sure whom.  

But it will come out.

Perhaps it's a love died?