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Chris Smither — Drive You Home Again
Album: Drive You Home
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Released: 1999
Length: 5:21
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Climb into this car,
I will take you for a ride,
We won't go very far,
But I think better here inside,
Somethin' I forgot to tell you,
Think it over, then decide.

I will make this explanation,
If you can't see it for yourself,
It's very hard to pay attention,
When you listen someplace else,
Turn off that radio,
It's like I'm talkin' to myself.

These are not petty pleasures,
It's a dance that slowly glides,
In very complicated measures,
That can't be simplified,
But if we just keep this together,
All the rest is justified.

Every step is destination,
Every moment is as long,
As it will take imagination,
To begin and end the song,
Part equals all, that's creation,
That's the sense that we belong.

It ain't easy bein' careful,
I know it's hard to take your time,
But if we think for one another,
Mine is yours, yours is mine,
Lose your sense of separation,
All the rest will fall in line.

Please believe me when I tell you,
The hardest part is to begin,
I know you think I'm crazy,
But we're halfway to the end,
And if I drive you to distraction,
I will drive you home again.
Comments (86)add comment
His drummer is his miked tapping foot.
Could it even be Smitherer? ;)
 bsmith1 wrote:
In these days/months of lockdown, we get some great music on RP.

long may it continue.

The music, not the "other thing".
Based on my Radio Paradise experiences with this artist I went to see Chris Smither last night in Port Washington, New York. An incredible, unique voice. A great sense of humor and style to boot. Really puts on a great performance and sets a mood. Pretty goddamned talented fingerstyle guitarist as well, in regular and open tuning. Go See Him!
Unusual key - F sharp minor
Sounds like Jeff Bridges singing without his choppers!!
I saw Chris performed for the first time several years ago.  I had never heard of him, but a co-worker had a couple of extra tickets, so we joined them.  It was a room in a condo development in Durham NC.  

It's great to see that Bill is playing his music.  He did play Love Me Like a Man and I believe he said that's were most of his earnings (royalties) come from.  
 Roverfish wrote:
Ok, who stole Grandpa's teeth? Seriously, though, nice subtle blues.

My thoughts exactly 
Love the atmosphere he installs, and fine lyrics too... but that voice    or more precisely, not his voice but his elocution is really weird!
In these days/months of lockdown, we get some great music on RP.

long may it continue.
Bill is in a Chris Smither mood - two of his songs six apart; 2 June 2020.

I'm NOT complaining, far from it!
Great, must hear more from this guy.....
This makes me want to hear a segue to Fred Eaglesmith or Blackie and the Rodeo Kings.
This is out of the ordinary. A nine's fine.
Yes, nice slinky groove.
Makes me want to sit at a cheap bar, blather on about how unfair life is, and do bourbon shots 'til I pass out . . . or maybe not. It's just not worth the excruciating headache the next day.
Still, I'm diggin' the tune.
 thewiseking wrote:
The song, the musicianship, the lyrics are all ordinary. The VOICE here makes this extremely interesting. Mysterious even. Well done Smithers!
Nine, I don't think than the music is ordinary in this song. The orchestration is very good 
caught my attention .. I like !

The song, the musicianship, the lyrics are all ordinary. The VOICE here makes this extremely interesting. Mysterious even. Well done Smithers!
hypnotic. brilliant lyrics. love song sandwiched with Neil Young for a reason. JJ won't be tripping. And RP follows with Private Universe. I'm in RP heaven. And grateful for Billbecca who play women and GET women.
 Or Eddie Vedder  QuestionMark wrote:
Hearing a very excellent J.J. Cale likeness.


I've had the good fortune of seeing Chris Smither live a couple of times once with the Alvin Brothers in tow no less. On both occasions what came to mind was how so much sound come out from one man. Most musicians beg steal or borrow from their counterparts and pay homage along the way it's part of the creative process, I find him to be a brilliant songwriter and a completely charming performer. Hopefully Bill will find it fitting to add more of his tunes to playlists. 
 Stingray wrote:
"Tony Joe" Smither - still great, yes!

Yes, TJ White revisited.
Agreed, QuestiionMark! Very JJ Cale ... great Saturday morning listening!  Thanks, Bill!
 QuestionMark wrote:
Hearing a very excellent J.J. Cale likeness.

totally. actually sounds like a copycat. nice sound of course, because it was well copied :)
I like what I'm hearing 
Hearing a very excellent J.J. Cale likeness.
If I drive you to distraction I will drive you home again. Love it.
First time I have heard him. Already looked on iTunes. Loved it. Thanks
Kind of country-fied Zen. 
I like it.

"Tony Joe" Smither - still great, yes!
Brilliant soulful blues.
 marcel wrote:

If you really want to get a great cd of his that shows him as he is (at least as good as in this song) get "Live as I'll ever be".

i AGREE!  it's the best!!!!!
Chris can do no wrong.....i'm in love with this man!! {#Clap}
 peter_james_bond wrote:
Smithers! No, Smither. Ahhh.......you may drive me again home sir. Reminds me a bit of Harry Manx.

Definitely not Smithers, unless he's hiding Hudson Bay Mountain somewhere.

Like this a lot. Bonus, he's this good live.

aahhh, kpig strikes again.....{#Dance}
 sajitjacob wrote:

That's not Chris Smither, that's Tim Olyphant, the shoot 'em TV Justice dude. Though Smither sounds like the character and the show. 
This post apparently contained an image that was dragged into the post editor. Sorry, but any text contained in the post after this point has been lost.
Chris Smither is fantastic.  So glad to hear this on RP.
Is there an all Chris Smither all the time station?

Visited the website and did my part. Mentioned RP, provided a link, and sorta nudged the management to widen out and maybe visit places like China, Germany, Samoa, Scotland...

Well, heck - in for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes. It'll probably go nowhere, but at least I nudged.

Under-sung hero{#Dance}
Always a sucker for tasty acoustic blues.
Smithers! No, Smither. Ahhh.......you may drive me again home sir. Reminds me a bit of Harry Manx.
Haven't heard this since I commented on it 4.5 years ago. It's still fantastic. And it still takes me back to such a specific time and place.  And in that time and place I wasn't old enough to know how effing sexy this song is.

discovery for me too - a very very fine one. Oh I wish he could tour in Asia and come over here in Beijing. Would be real nice
Very nice song!
 oufason wrote:
Heard this for the first time late one night and loved it from the start. Unfortunately the rest of the CD is not nearly this good
If you really want to get a great cd of his that shows him as he is (at least as good as in this song) get "Live as I'll ever be".

 Karmala wrote:
Simply superb stuff...
Just wish that he had better fitted teeth - or that he had teeth.

He has teeth...chooses not to use them all the time...same at T Waits

Simply superb stuff...
Just wish that he had better fitted teeth - or that he had teeth.
this guitar man is fuuuuuuukn solid.  this song drives me wild.  wish he'd pick me up in his car.  he can sing to me all night.
never heard of chris smither,
sounds like a honest guitar man, & I like that

First time I hear of him...THANKS, RP
Excellent stuff.
talk about yer vocal "stylings". this guys got em in spades.
Wooooaaaah-oh-ah-oh-oh-oh... Go Braves!
Chris Smither is such a great guitar player and word smith. Thank you RP!
cptbuz wrote:
hey give ol' man Smither a break, he's turning 60 this year!
A year to the day...guess he's turning 61 this year. Still missing his teeth, still an excellent (and subtle) blues tune.
I thoroughly approve. Good groove.
Roverfish wrote:
Ok, who stole Grandpa's teeth? Seriously, though, nice subtle blues.
hey give ol' man Smither a break, he's turning 60 this year!
Heard this for the first time late one night and loved it from the start. Unfortunately the rest of the CD is not nearly this good
mcklein18 wrote:
This guy is pretty much channeling JJ Cale, isn't he? and i mean that as a very good thang.
I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of and you're right. I think there must be a little Chris Rea influnce going on here too. Very nice sound, I will be sure to catch him if here ever gets down SD way.
hujoppi wrote:
heard some suprising similarities between the voice of this artist and later-era acoustic performances by Bruce
I'm definitely hearing that too. I was listening from another room, and actually thought that this might have been one of the songs from his new album that I hadn't heard. When I came in the room, I could tell it wasn't Bruce, but the similarity was very strong.
I moved it from a 4 to an 8. Must have been in a lousy mood last time I heard this, this is awesome.
marcel wrote:
If anyone deserves "Godlike"...........
big fat 10. mesmerizing live - a must see (tours constantly www.smither.com) i wish someone would upload The Devil's Real (studio version) or I am the Ride or Link of Chain... or... or... :)
I saw him play in Cave Creek AZ about a year or so ago and it was one of the best concerts I have ever seen and I've seen alot. I highly recommend seeing him live if you get a chance.
Oh wow. I used to play this when I was a disc spinner. Sounded great on snowy nights.
Excellent song, have to add this artist to my regular playlist. (As an long-time, die-hard Bruce Springsteen fan, heard some suprising similarities between the voice of this artist and later-era acoustic performances by Bruce - not that it matters, anyway..)
Cool playin'. Nice website as well...
This guy is pretty much channeling JJ Cale, isn't he? and i mean that as a very good thang.
Satch wrote:
One of the greatest "unknown" blues players! Live is unreal - you'll go home and sell your guitar. Get the new "Honeysuckle Dog" CD and "Live As I'll Ever Be" belongs in -every- collection.
If you can find it "Another Way to Find You" is absolutely fantastic... just him and his guitar in what sounds like a small auditorium - it was the first stuff I heard from him and its still my favorite.
Roverfish wrote:
Ok, who stole Grandpa's teeth?
Though I highly appreciate Chris Smither, this comment got me:
cool blues. haven't really listened to this guy.
One of the greatest "unknown" blues players! Live is unreal - you'll go home and sell your guitar. Get the new "Honeysuckle Dog" CD and "Live As I'll Ever Be" belongs in -every- collection.
trekhead wrote:
Smither! Drive me home again! Use the acceleratrix!
LOL!! Exxxxxcellent!!
Smither! Drive me home again! Use the acceleratrix!
Dude, I totally love this song. It's just so...good! Laid back, smooth and deep.
marcel wrote:
If anyone deserves "Godlike"...........
...... Its not this song!! WOOT!
If anyone deserves "Godlike"...........
Chris Smither is a wonderful talent. Been around a long time. Complex sensibility and virtuoso guitar. Performs a great live show. Thanks RP! More Chris Smither, please! Dave
Ok, who stole Grandpa's teeth? Seriously, though, nice subtle blues.
OMG - one of my very favorites! His live shows are unbelievable. Get "Live as I'll Ever Be" for a good representation...but GO SEE HIM live to watch those fingers fly on that blue guitar. Awesome.