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Jimi Hendrix — Castles Made Of Sand
Album: Axis: Bold as Love
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 2491

Released: 1967
Length: 2:42
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Down the street, you can hear her scream, "You're a disgrace"
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbors start to gossip and drool

He cries, "Oh girl, you must be mad
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?"
Against the door he leans and starts a scene
And his tears fall and burn on the garden green

And so castles made of sand
Fall in the sea

A little Indian brave who before he was ten
Played war games in the woods with his Indian friends
And he built a dream that when he grew up
He would be a fierce warrior Indian chief

Many moons passed 'fore the dream grew strong
Until tomorrow he would sing his first war song
And fight his first battle, but something went wrong
Suprise attack killed him in his sleep that night

And so castles made of sand
Melts into the sea

There was a young girl whose heart was a frown
Because she was crippled for life, and she couldn't speak a sound
And she wished and prayed she could stop living
So she decided to die

She drove her wheelchair to the edge of the shore
And to her legs she smiled, "You won't hurt me no more"
But then a sight she'd never seen made her jump and say
"Look, a golden winged ship is passing my way"

And it really didn't ever stop
It just kept on going

And so castles made of sand
Slips into the sea
Comments (215)add comment
 SuperWeh wrote:

Taste is subjective, but the guitar solo is quite exceptional, don't know if he was the first to do it, but he certainly did it well.

Evidently George Harrison pioneered the backwards guitar solo on 'I'm Only Sleeping'. So credit to him, but dang I enjoy the way Hendrix does it! I think I read somewhere that Hendrix would just know what to play so it came out how he wanted when reversed.
 Edweirdo wrote:

I'm struggling to find anything exceptionable to which a grammar Nazi might object.  Please note, as well, that if you're outing yourself as a grammar Nazi, you should know that you need to capitalise the proper noun Nazi.

Surely they are talking about "Castles made of sand melts into the sea" when it should be "melt into the sea" because castles is plural?
Obviously its an amazing piece of music so who cares, but yeah, I also noticed.
If Jimi were still alive I would send him a stern letter of complaint.
 stegokitty wrote:

Not exactly the best Jimi song. Not horrible, but not too good either.
And the grammar nazi in me is cringing.

Taste is subjective, but the guitar solo is quite exceptional, don't know if he was the first to do it, but he certainly did it well.
I'm quite sure that Jimi was dropped down to earth by aliens to blow our minds for around 5 years.  And then they decided these earthlings had been 'experienced' enough and that was it.
Superb and iconic ✌️
Recent article https://www.electrikjam.com/wh...
 stegokitty wrote:

Not exactly the best Jimi song. Not horrible, but not too good either.
And the grammar nazi in me is cringing.

I'm struggling to find anything exceptionable to which a grammar Nazi might object.  Please note, as well, that if you're outing yourself as a grammar Nazi, you should know that you need to capitalise the proper noun Nazi.
Not exactly the best Jimi song. Not horrible, but not too good either.
And the grammar nazi in me is cringing.
Seiner Zeit weit voraus
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:
I gave this a 4? What was I thinking?

Wow, too funny Mr. Agent Provocateur 
 jelgator wrote:

From Counting Crows to this.  I've just been whisked from a dark universe of musical suckitude to a place of truly sublime music.  Thank you, PSD button.  Thank you.

Talk about expanding ones horizons
It's almost a cliche to say this, but what a creative genius this person was.  200 years from now, when people look back at our time, there won't be much of it left that they remember.  Jimi, I think, is one of the safest bets for still being around in people's minds that much later.  
From Counting Crows to this.  I've just been whisked from a dark universe of musical suckitude to a place of truly sublime music.  Thank you, PSD button.  Thank you.
 SuperWeh wrote:
gotta love that backwards guitar solo.
I had read that he would play those solos essentially' backwards' - knowing what it would sound like when reversed.
This LP blew my very young mind, kind of musical acid.
Is this what you were looking for? From MuchMusic, way back in the day...


1013878864 wrote:
I've always loved this song, but at the same time I really want to hear someone cover this at a proper tempo...maybe half of this.  I can hear it in a female voice, more orchestrated than effects...  but truly effective bones.  

My favorite Hendrix album.  
I've always loved this song, but at the same time I really want to hear someone cover this at a proper tempo...maybe half of this.  I can hear it in a female voice, more orchestrated than effects...  but truly effective bones.  
 Proclivities wrote:
It changes slightly, but the three particular songs always seem to be among the Top 5.  Here is the list from March 2, 2016:

1. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower (9.652)
2. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (9.644)
3. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (9.639)
4. The Beatles - A Day In The Life (9.601)
5. Right Said Fred — I'm Too Sexy (9.589)

Oh my god, 5 is actually in the playlist! Not played in 8 years though… {#Roflol}

 DanFHiggins wrote:


Couldn't agree more strongly.
Next to Crosstown Traffic, this is my favorite Hendrix song.

 FamilyMan wrote:

Moonlight Sonata comes in at a lofty 9.3.  Is there any higher?

It changes slightly, but the three particular songs always seem to be among the Top 5.  Here is the list from March 2, 2016:

1. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower (9.652)
2. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (9.644)
3. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (9.639)
4. The Beatles - A Day In The Life (9.601)
5. Right Said Fred — I'm Too Sexy (9.589)

Tuck and Patty's version....
i love Tuck and Patty's too
 coloradojohn wrote:
Yeah! I always thought that THIS amazing obscure gem was among Jimi's very best; some of the coolest sounds! and insightful lyrics!

Yeah! I always thought that THIS amazing obscure gem was among Jimi's very best; some of the coolest sounds! and insightful lyrics!

Stingray wrote:
10 for song and album!



 sandpebble wrote:

Yes Lenny AKA ScottFromWyoming. You can take care of the rabbits.

10 for song and album!

I think this is my fave Jimi tune ... and fave Jimi album.
This is probably in my top 5 rock songs of all time.  Godlike.
 sandpebble wrote:
Yes Lenny AKA ScottFromWyoming. You can take care of the rabbits.
Most people only know the inventive and excellent wilder psychedelia songs and harder rock of Hendrix.  His quieter reflective songs have always spoken more volumes to me.
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:
I gave this a 4? What was I thinking?


Yes Lenny AKA ScottFromWyoming. You can take care of the rabbits.
 oldfart48 wrote:
same set 1/23/13 backwards

Hey!  That was my birfday.
same set 1/23/13 backwards
 Lazarus wrote:

profound lyrics...  incredible music...  wish I could rate it higher than a 10...

Everyone in your Church agrees!

profound lyrics...  incredible music...  wish I could rate it higher than a 10...
Probably one of the best Hendrix songs. Love it.
 WhiteWater wrote:
Hendrix comes in at #2 (but not this song). Beatles, of course, score #1. Moonlight Sonata appears to be 3rd (where did that 9.3 score come from?). This info is under the Music/Artists tab.

1. The Beatles - A Day In The Life  (9.659)
2. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower  (9.656)
3. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata  (9.638)
Found the 9.3 info on the song's page.  It bears the 9.3 rating even today.

Thanks for the info on the Music/Artists page.  A few scrolls down found it.

Hendrix comes in at #2 (but not this song). Beatles, of course, score #1. Moonlight Sonata appears to be 3rd (where did that 9.3 score come from?). This info is under the Music/Artists tab.

1. The Beatles - A Day In The Life  (9.659)
2. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower  (9.656)
3. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata  (9.638)
 Megavolt wrote:

Very good summation.

Hey, does anyone know the highest rated song on Radio Paradise? That would be interesting to know. 
Moonlight Sonata comes in at a lofty 9.3.  Is there any higher?
 ScottN wrote:
Good song, but not excellent measured by the high bar Jimi set.
Very good summation.

Hey, does anyone know the highest rated song on Radio Paradise? That would be interesting to know. 
I gave this a 4? What was I thinking?

 Hannio wrote:
I love this song so much, even the subject-verb disagreement doesn't bother me.  Much.  Maybe just a little.
Are you kiddin' me, Cowboy?  This is sublimity itself and you're deconstructing the grammar?!?!  I rate it "Godlike".  You spent too much time in UT, lame-o Teasip.
I love this song so much, even the subject-verb disagreement doesn't bother me.  Much.  Maybe just a little.
  Jimi ist der größte aller gitarrengötter
hitting home tonight. always loved this one.
Good song, but not excellent measured by the high bar Jimi set.
"... and so castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually."  Several of mine have, but I just build new ones.
 haresfur wrote:
Not quite the impact as when I was an angsty pre-teen.
That's funny...still good tune now with years under the belt though
Not quite the impact as when I was an angsty pre-teen.
 zeelandhills wrote:

never heard it, like a lot, reminds me of SRV..great guitar
More like SRV reminds me of Hendrix ...

Jimi in 1969. Create tune. I find some his style on this song ended up on the Chili Peppers Under the bridge.
 ZedLeppelin wrote:
Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!


Maybe it's never been played here, but it's been played trillions of times everywhere else.  Turn on any classic rock station and you will hear it within an hour or two.
Such a great subtle song, love the guitar work and lyrics.  Probably Hendrix's deepest lyrics

I love Jimi.


 buzmaggie wrote:
am i the only one to hear some hip hop roots in this. OH NO!

Maybe a little, but not really and I love Hip Hop and this song.
 99 wrote:

Amen. This really is one of my favorite Hendrix songs. Somehow It mercifully wasn't overplayed by the "classic" rock stations that I listened to in my youth.

never heard it, like a lot, reminds me of SRV..great guitar
 gratefulgator wrote:
Please play more Jimi!


Hear a lot of Jimi and Elvis these days around! Nice!
 DaveInVA wrote:

Yep thats what I get for looking at what RP had listed for the LP. I should have looked first especially since I have both lps

They're both great albums!
 Otomi wrote:
 DaveInVA wrote:

Great song! here is the proper artwork..

It's from Axis: Bold As Love (just ask the Axis).

Yep thats what I get for looking at what RP had listed for the LP. I should have looked first especially since I have both lps

am i the only one to hear some hip hop roots in this. OH NO!
From his finest album...............
 icemang wrote:

Or you could just stab yourself in the ears with an icepick, same thing.


Or, if you don't like it you could just mute it, save yourself some doctor bills. 

 albatross wrote:
Also check out Castles Made of Sand by Sting.  Great rendition.
Or you could just stab yourself in the ears with an icepick, same thing.

 tapatia1072 wrote:

Hey, let's face it: No rating system could ever be sufficient for the song, especially if it is one that actually has a ceiling.


Amen. This really is one of my favorite Hendrix songs. Somehow It mercifully wasn't overplayed by the "classic" rock stations that I listened to in my youth.
Thank goodness for Jimmy Hendrix! I don't enjoy most music too loud, but Hendrix makes me crank the stereo!
 sirdroseph wrote:
It is funny, but all of my favorite Hendrix tunes are slower ballads, this of course being near the top.{#Clap}
Agreed. I think his guitar work really comes out on the slower tunes.

Also check out Castles Made of Sand by Sting.  Great rendition.
 ZedLeppelin wrote:
Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!


Oh yea, don't worry, it has been played plenty maybe not here, but out in the world sometimes you would think that Hey Joe and All Along the Watchtower were the only 2 songs he ever did, I will stick to the one playing thank you very much!
It is funny, but all of my favorite Hendrix tunes are slower ballads, this of course being near the top.{#Clap}
Please play more Jimi!
Please play this more often.  LOVE IT!
 tapatia1072 wrote:

Hey, let's face it: No rating system could ever be sufficient for the song, especially if it is one that actually has a ceiling.


 Bosami wrote:

I see your 12 > 13!!
Hey, let's face it: No rating system could ever be sufficient for the song, especially if it is one that actually has a ceiling.

 Suzl wrote:

Heck....let's take this one to 12.....

I see your 12 > 13!!
 Bosami wrote:
Aw hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

This one goes to 11.

Heck....let's take this one to 12.....
Aw hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

This one goes to 11.
 anchoresse wrote:

Hello One Note. I am a working musician and a guitarist none the less. I've never fallen to my knees in adoration of the genius of Jimi. Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you. Ciao.
Dude!  Playing guitar hero doesn't make you a guitarist.

THIS is pure rock at its finest.

All of a sudden I'm 13 years old again, lying on my bed imagining I could *really* play guitar..

(Huntington, WV)
Posted: Feb 02, 2009 - 07:43 < Reply >

 ZedLeppelin wrote: Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!

The song "Hey Joe" was about as ubiquitous as "Louie Louie" in the 1960s and played by a number of groups including the Byrds,The leaves, Love, and the Music Machine and others but all were faster with a lot of bass riffing. Jimi Hendrix was not the first one to the table on that one but established the slow tempo version which every high school garage band covered.

And then there's the Zappa send-up, Flower Punk:

Hey Punk, where you goin' with that flower in your hand?
Hey Punk, where you goin' with that flower in your hand?

Well, I'm goin' up to Frisco to join a psychedelic band.
I'm goin' up to Frisco to join a psychedelic band.

Hey Punk, where you goin' with that button on your shirt?
Hey Punk, where you goin' with that button on your shirt?

I'm goin' to the love-in to sit & play my bongos in the dirt.
Yes, I'm goin' to the love-in to sit & play my bongos in the dirt.

Hey Punk, where you goin' with that hair on your head?
Hey Punk, where you goin' with that hair on your head?

I'm goin' to the dance to get some action, then I'm goin' home to bed.
I'm goin' to the dance to get some action, then I'm goin' home to bed.

Hey Punk, where you goin' with those beads around your neck?
Hey Punk, where you goin' with those beads around your neck?

I'm goin' to the shrink so he can help me be a nervous wreck . . .

This song is a stone cold classic.
Good voice but who's that on the guitar?
If memory serves me correctly, this CD is all remasters and sounds excellent!
somewhat stunned about the "overrated hippie" comment, heard him called alot of things but never that anyway great song, been covered by some great guitarist that probably didn't consider him a "overrated hippie"
 ZedLeppelin wrote:
Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!

The song "Hey Joe" was about as ubiquitous as "Louie Louie" in the 1960s and played by a number of groups including the Byrds,The leaves, Love, and the Music Machine and others but all were faster with a lot of bass riffing. Jimi Hendrix was not the first one to the table on that one but established the slow tempo version which every high school garage band covered.

My favorite Hendrix song I think.  Great lyrics, and offbeat phrasing.
 anchoresse wrote:

Hello One Note. I am a working musician and a guitarist none the less. I've never fallen to my knees in adoration of the genius of Jimi. Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you. Ciao.

that's really not something to brag about.........{#Doh}

The master. I saw him at the Hollywood Bowl.
 ladybinnath wrote:
Another overrated hippie who might be able to sing his way out of a paper bag if he weren't stoned all the time. But we'll never know.
The ignorance of your comment is truly astounding.  I get it, you don't like hippies. 
Here, here!

ZedLeppelin wrote:
Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!


covered so much - but the original is the best!
Can some more people send in requests for Hey Joe?! It's never been played!

Jimi's the master of course, and this is his song, but if you haven't seen/heard Tuck Andress & Patti's version, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M56QwDjE6PQ
Amazing guitar!! Wish I had been alive during his reign on music. Can you imagine the square leave-it-to-beaver-type who listened to the sounds being created by JH and had to keep their secret desire to hear more....quiet?
one word, perfect! I still get goosebumps when I remember the first time I played this album as a teenager, happy days. Love you Jimi
I've read other comments about Jimi's lack of poetic ability, but I find this to be very poetic... Down the street you can hear her scream "you're a disgrace" As she slams the door in his drunken face, And now he stands outside and all the neighbours start to gossip and drool. He cries "Oh girl, you must be mad, What happened to the sweet love you and me had?" Against the door he leans and starts a scene, And his tears fall and burn the garden green. And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually. A little Indian brave who before he was ten, played war games in the woods with his Indian friends, and he built a dream that when he grew up, he would be a fearless warrior Indian Chief. Many moons passed and more the dream grew strong, until tomorrow He would sing his first war song, And fight his first battle, but something went wrong, Suprise attack killed him in his sleep that night And so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually. There was a young girl, whose heart was a frown, Because she was crippled for life, and couldn't speak a sound And she wished and prayed she would stop living, so she decided to die. She drew her wheel chair to the edge of the shore, and to her legs she smiled "You won't hurt me no more." But then a sight she'd never seen made her JUMP AND SAY "Look, a golden winged ship is passing my way" And it really didn't have to stop...it just kept on going. And so castles made of sand slips into the sea, Eventually
Again, again!
Words cannot properly convey my love for this. Suffice it to say it is delicious.
riffster wrote:
Was clicking to give it a 10 - and I already had .... can I stuff the ballot please?
Same exact experience for me...this song is transcendant.
one_note wrote:
Not a musician, are you ladybinnath? I don't know a single working musician (I'm one) who doesn't (figuratively speaking) fall to his/her knees in adoration of the genius of Jimi. Give him another listen...he just wants to talk to you, won't do you no harm...
Hello One Note. I am a working musician and a guitarist none the less. I've never fallen to my knees in adoration of the genius of Jimi. Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you. Ciao.
Was clicking to give it a 10 - and I already had .... can I stuff the ballot please? Looking at ladybinnath's 'comment' from almost two years back and the only thing that occurs to me was 'when's your next set lady? .... you're killing me!' Overrated hippie .... too much!!!! - Riff
ahh jimi... i love the lyrics on this tune. One of his better tracks alongside, little wing and all along.
DrLex wrote:
478 votes, of which only 23 are below 6.
Still a tad too many,myself I'v found I have way too many ten's given,gonna fix that sometime but this Jimi is and will always be a TEN!
'and it really didn't have to stop it just kept on goin...' poetry
i can not overstate the impact this had on me as a kid. on revisiting; the guitar intro remains brilliant, original, powerful. the poetry; a bit overwrought but like Oscar Wilde would say "all bad poetry springs from genuine feeling".
SuperWeh wrote:
you learnt to play backwards?
fortunately for me, there is tons and tons of stuff on this cut to work on that is played 'forwards'! Hendrix played with the Isley Brothers and he had tons of cool R&B funky licks that he introduced to Rock music. Barre-ing the D,G,B strings with your first finger and using middle and index fingers to do all kinds of cool hammer-ons and pull-offs , sometimes using your pinky 4 frets above the first finger to do octave stuff. You don't have to be a guitar wizard to learn from Hendrix songs. I was coping licks from 'Hey Joe' about 10 months after I started playing. Let's face it, not to many people can play like Jimi did, probably no one, but you got to remember, he didn't invent all of the stuff he played, he copied it from other guitarists and then made it his own. That's the best that any fledgling guitar player can ever hope for.. Yeah!!
healyf52 wrote:
I spent an afternoon working on the guitar part to this song. Although I'll never play like Jimi, I did learn a ton of cool stuff to add to my 'bag o tricks'
you learnt to play backwards?
DrLex wrote:
478 votes, of which only 23 are below 6.
I regret that I have but one 10 to give to my Jimi.
healyf52 wrote:
I spent an afternoon working on the guitar part to this song. Although I'll never play like Jimi, I did learn a ton of cool stuff to add to my 'bag o tricks'
Everyone should do that.